Author: Hezron Rooy

Hezron Rooy is the Editor-in-Chief at Teachers Updates. A passionate educator and accomplished web developer. With a strong background in news reporting, content creation, and educational innovation, Hezron is dedicated to delivering impactful stories and resources that empower teachers and shape the future of education.

TSC Delays Teacher Deployment to Junior Secondary and Special Schools: Reasons

TSC Delays Teacher Deployment to Junior Secondary and Special Schools: Reasons. Teachers aspiring for deployment to junior secondary and special schools will have to wait longer, as the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has postponed the process due to other pressing responsibilities. The Commission’s officials have clarified that the deployment exercise cannot proceed in light of current demands. One official explained that TSC is focused on two critical tasks: ensuring the success of the upcoming national exams and assessments, and overseeing the current teacher recruitment process. As a result, promotions to junior secondary schools (JSS) and special units will not be…

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High Court Halts New University Funding Model

High Court Halts New University Funding Model. The Ruto administration’s efforts to enhance education quality have faced a significant setback as the High Court suspended the implementation of the new University funding model. On October 3, 2024, Justice Chacha Mwita ruled to temporarily halt the model, awaiting the hearing and determination of a case brought forward by the Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) last year. Justice Mwita pointed out that the case had been pending for an extended period due to delays by the Attorney General, Education CS, and the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) in filing…

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TSC Rewards Interns with 50 Points Boost in Teacher Recruitment

TSC Rewards Interns with 50 Points Boost in Teacher Recruitment. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has emphasized the importance of internships in the current competitive recruitment process for teachers. In the newly released recruitment guidelines, the commission will allocate 50 points to current intern teachers as part of the selection process. This policy highlights the significance of experience gained through internships in determining future employment opportunities. The TSC announced that serving interns will only need to present their identity cards during the verification stage. Join Teachers Updates on Facebook This adjustment reduces the burden of reapplying for the positions they…

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TSC Recruitment Score Sheet for Primary School Teachers 2024/2025

TSC Recruitment Score Sheet for Primary School Teachers 2024/2025. Scoring AreasMaximum ScoreA. Professional P1 Qualifications- 6 – 28 points05- 29 – 50 points03- 51 – 64 points02Note: The score does not include teaching practice.Maximum Score05B. Age- 50 years old and above20- 47 – 49 years old15- 44 – 46 years old10- 43 years old and below05Maximum Score20C. Length of Stay Since Qualifying as a Teacher- 2010 and before20- 201119- 201218- 201317- 201416- 201515- 201614- 201713- 201812- 201911- 202010- 202109- 202208- 202307- 202405Maximum Score20TSC Recruitment Score Sheet for Primary School Teachers 2024/2025. Teacher Qualification Scoring System D. Currently Serving as an…

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TSC Recruitment Guidelines for Primary School Teachers (Permanent & Pensionable Terms) - 2024/2025

TSC Recruitment Guidelines for Primary School Teachers (Permanent & Pensionable Terms) – 2024/2025. Following the advertisement for recruitment of teachers for Primary schools, the Regional Director, Nairobi, all County Directors and Sub-County Directors are required to conduct a selection exercise for applicants desiring employment with TSC. All applicants MUST be duly registered teachers per Section 23(1) of the Teachers Service Commission Act, 2012. Applicants who are not duly registered shall not be considered for recruitment. Applicants must submit their applications to the Secretary Teachers Service Commission through the online platform for the county/Sub-county where a vacancy has been declared.…

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TSC Teachers Recruitment: Selection Score Guide – Post Primary Institution Scoresheet

TSC Teachers Recruitment: Selection Score Guide – Post Primary Institution Scoresheet. During the selection process for teachers in post-primary institutions, applicants should be assessed based on specific areas outlined below. Each section has a maximum score, and applicants should be awarded marks accordingly. Teacher Qualification Scoring System Scoring AreasMaximum ScoreA. Academic and Professional Qualifications1. Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Degree- First Class05- Second Class03- Pass02ORBachelor of Arts (B.A.) Degree + PGDE orBachelor of Science (B.Sc.) + PGDE- First Class05- Second Class03- Pass02Maximum Score052. Diploma + Diploma in Technical Education- Distinction05- Credit03- Pass02ORDiploma in Education- Distinction05- Credit03- Pass02Maximum Score05B. Age- 50 years…

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How to Apply TSC Jobs Online: Application Process for Teachers (Recruitment Portal)

How to Apply TSC Jobs Online: Application Process for Teachers (Recruitment Portal). To apply through the Teachers Online Services Information System, you need to use a web browser such as Windows Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. Below is a step-by-step guide to complete your application successfully. How to apply for TSC advertised vacancies? Eligible and interested candidates are required to submit their applications online via the Teachers Service Commission’s website at under the ‘Careers’ section or through by midnight on 7th October 2024. Step-by-Step Application Process Access the Website Open your browser and type in the address bar…

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TSC Teacher Recruitment Guidelines for Post-Primary Institutions (Permanent and Pensionable Terms) – 2024/2025

TSC Teacher Recruitment Guidelines for Post-Primary Institutions (Permanent and Pensionable Terms) – 2024/2025. 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION i) Following the advertisement for recruitment of teachers, Regional Director, Nairobi,County Directors and Sub-County Directors are required to conduct the selectionexercise for the advertised vacancy (ies). ii) Applicants MUST submit their applications to the Secretary, Teachers Service Commissionthrough the online platform for the institution/SubCounty/Counties where a vacancy(ies) has been declared. iii) The Selection Panel is expected to uphold the highest standards of transparency andaccountability, as stipulated in the Public Officer Ethics Act, and TSC Code of Conductand Ethics (CoCE, 2015). iv) The TSC…

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TSC Recruitment: Interview Document Requirements for Secondary School Teachers

TSC Recruitment: Interview Document Requirements for Secondary School Teachers. Upon being invited for an interview, applicants are expected to present both original and clear photocopies of the following documents: Join Teachers Updates on Facebook Authentication of Academic and Professional Documents When applicants appear for interviews, they must bring both original and legible photocopies of the following: It is noted that provisional transcripts will not be accepted. Verification Process by the Selection Panel The selection panel is responsible for verifying that the applicant: Submission of Documents to the TSC Headquarters The TSC County Director must submit the following to the TSC…

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TSC Recruitment: Kitui to Receive Largest Allocation of JSS Teachers

TSC Recruitment: Kitui to Receive Largest Allocation of JSS Teachers. Kitui County ranks highest in the number of Junior School (JS) teachers set to be hired by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) on Permanent and Pensionable terms. With 1,796 slots allocated, Kitui tops the list, followed by Nakuru County with 1,553 positions and Kakamega County with 1,500. On the other end, counties such as Isiolo, Lamu, and Mombasa will receive the fewest teachers, with Isiolo and Lamu getting 158 slots each, while Mombasa is allocated 261 positions. Join Teachers Updates on Facebook Breakdown of Teacher Recruitment The TSC has announced…

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