Author: Hezron Rooy

Hezron Rooy is the Editor-in-Chief at Teachers Updates. A passionate educator and accomplished web developer. With a strong background in news reporting, content creation, and educational innovation, Hezron is dedicated to delivering impactful stories and resources that empower teachers and shape the future of education.

Retirement Age of Teachers Set to Decrease As Parliament Contemplates Legislative Change

Retirement Age of Teachers Set to Decrease As Parliament Contemplates Legislative Change Parliament has received a bill to change the statutory retirement age for civil servants, forcing teachers and other public officers to consider an early retirement. The Kenya Kwanza government intends to increase prospects for youth employment by ensuring that senior public personnel retire, with a parliamentary discussion starting to reduce the retirement age from 60 to 55 years. Public officials approaching the age of fifty-five will receive retirement preparedness training prior to their removal from the payroll. Public officials over 55 have already received training, but they will…

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The Labyrinth of University Statutes and Regulations

In the pursuit of power and influence, universities are not exempt from the necessity of Statutes and Regulations. The ability to manipulate and exploit these statutes can be a potent tool for those with ambitions to further their interests. In this blog, we shall explore the intricacies of university statutes and regulations, the establishment of specialized degree-awarding institutions, the declaration of technical universities, and the consequences of unauthorized use of university names. The dynamic interplay of law and academia weaves a compelling narrative of power and responsibility within the educational sphere. I. University Statutes and Regulations II. Specialized Degree-Awarding Institutions…

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TSC Trainers/Facilitators Requirements and Selection Process

TSC Trainers/Facilitators Requirements and Selection Process Competitive selection of trainers and facilitators at all levels ensures the employment of competent officers to conduct training. The approach takes into account essential competences such as pedagogical knowledge, subject matter expertise, and developing concerns pertinent to classroom practices, as well as the capacity to create training programs and adapt modules to local needs. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) forms a suitable panel to perform the selection process. Criteria for Selecting Trainers/Facilitators Primary Level To become a main level trainer/facilitator, one must meet the following basic requirements: Added advantage FOLLOW TEACHERS UPDATES ON X…

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TSC Salary And Allowances for Primary Teacher II (Grade B5, T Scale 5)

TSC Salary And Allowances for Primary Teacher II (Grade B5, T Scale 5) The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the salary and allowance structure for Primary Teacher II in Kenya, which is administered by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC). More specifically, the article focuses on Grade B5, T Scale 5. Educating young students at the primary level and passing on knowledge and skills to them is the major responsibility of Primary Teacher II, who plays a crucial role in developing the educational landscape. It is essential for both aspiring educators and present teachers who are…

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TSC's Role in Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA)

TSC’s Role in Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA). Kenya’s pursuit of economic transformation through the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) has identified five critical sectors, including education, to drive national development. As a key enabler, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) plays a vital role in providing the necessary skills and expertise required to achieve the aspirations of this ambitious agenda. In this article, we will explore TSC’s Role in Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) and how it aims to bridge the teacher shortage gap, enhance teacher professional development, and align teacher recruitment and deployment with UNESCO’s cultural context approach. Strengthening…

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TSC's Commitment to Vision 2030

TSC’s Commitment to National Development through Education: A Closer Look at Vision 2030. Education is a fundamental right recognized by the Constitution of Kenya, playing a critical role in national development. The responsibility of managing the country’s teaching service falls under the purview of the Teachers Service Commission (TSC). With TSC’s commitment to vision 2030, the Kenyan government has integrated education, training, and research into its national development plans. Teachers Updates explores the TSC’s role in realizing the objectives of Vision 2030 and its Commitment to National Development through fostering social, political, and economic growth via education. The Social Pillar…

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TSC's Efforts in Advancing Relevant Sustainable Continental Perspective in Education

TSC’s Efforts in Advancing Relevant Sustainable Continental Perspective in Education. As African countries strive to achieve the aspirations outlined in the Africa Agenda 2063 (AA 2063), education and training have been identified as crucial elements for inclusive growth and sustainable development. TSC’s Efforts in Advancing Relevant Sustainable Continental Perspective in Education enhances education quality and empower teachers. The Teaching Service Commission (TSC) recognizes the significance of these aspirations and has taken notable steps to align with the African Union’s (AU) Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA) and Science, Technology, and Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA). This article explores TSC’s Efforts…

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TSC's Commitment to Relevant Sustainable Development Goals.

TSC’s Commitment to Relevant Sustainable Development Goals. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) plays a crucial role in Kenya’s education system, ensuring the quality of education and the well-being of teachers across the country. TSC’s Commitment to Relevant Sustainable Development Goals improves teaching profession and service delivery. In alignment with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), TSC has undertaken several activities to address critical areas such as quality education, gender equality, good health and well-being, decent work and economic growth, peace, justice, and strong institutions, as well as fostering partnerships for achieving these goals. This article explores the TSC’s Commitment…

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A Pragmatic Approach to University Charter Variation and Revocation

A Pragmatic Approach to University Charter Variation and Revocation In this blog post, we will delve into the crucial aspects of charter variation and revocation concerning university education in Kenya. By analyzing the relevant sections from Act No. 25 of 2015, we aim to explore the ways in which the President, Cabinet Secretary, and Commission can utilize their powers to enhance the quality of education while prioritizing the best interests of students and staff. Our pragmatic approach will focus on promoting efficiency and accountability within the education system, providing recommendations to align charters with the evolving needs of the nation.…

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University Charter Granting Process

University Charter Granting Process. In the pursuit of academic excellence and fostering a conducive environment for learning, the process of granting a Charter to university plays a pivotal role. A Charter, an emblem of institutional recognition, endows universities with the authority to operate as esteemed bodies corporate. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of the University Charter Granting Process, exploring the conditions, benefits, and consequences associated with its issuance. I. The Charter Granting Process: A Comprehensive Overview II. Consequences of Application Rejection III. The Impact of Charter Granting IV. Adhering to Legal Boundaries V. Charter Publication Conclusion: The…

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