Composition and Roles of TSC Sub-County Selection Panels for Teacher Recruitment: Roles and Responsibilities.
The Sub-County Selection Panels play a crucial role in the recruitment of teachers under the Teachers Service Commission (TSC). Their composition and responsibilities are outlined as follows:
Composition of Sub-County Selection Panels
Each Sub-County Selection Panel will consist of the following members:
- Sub County Director – Chairperson
- TSC Sub County Human Resource Officer – Secretary
- Curriculum Support Officer – Member
This structure ensures that the panel is equipped with the necessary expertise and authority to effectively carry out the recruitment process.
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Roles and Responsibilities of the Selection Panels
- Verification of Documents: The Sub-County Selection Panels are responsible for verifying the authenticity of the academic and professional documents presented by applicants. This involves scrutinizing original certificates and ensuring all documentation is in order.
- Conducting Interviews: The panels will organize and conduct interviews for shortlisted candidates. They will determine the interview venues, dates, and times, ensuring all applicants are notified well in advance.
- Compiling Merit Lists: After the selection process, the panels will compile a Merit List of applicants whose documents have been verified. This list will form the basis for recommendations to the TSC County Directors.
- Ensuring Transparency: The panels are mandated to uphold transparency and accountability throughout the selection process, adhering to the Public Officer Ethics Act and the TSC Code of Conduct and Ethics.
- Addressing Complaints: Should any complaints arise during the recruitment process, the panels will address them appropriately and ensure that any issues are documented and resolved.
- Submission of Reports: After completing the selection exercise, the Sub-County Selection Panels must submit detailed reports, including the compiled Merit List, to the TSC County Director for further processing.
- Supporting Local Recruitment: Preference will be given to applicants from the respective Sub-Counties, fostering local employment and supporting community engagement in education.
ALSO READ: TSC Teacher Recruitment: Key Requirements for Candidates Who Re-Sat National Exams
The effectiveness of the Sub-County Selection Panels is vital to the integrity and success of the teacher recruitment process, ensuring that qualified and suitable candidates are selected for permanent and pensionable positions in primary schools.
Composition and Roles of TSC Sub-County Selection Panels for Teacher Recruitment: Roles and Responsibilities.
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