Education stakeholders Demand More Teachers, Resources for CBC Implementation.
Education stakeholders in Bomet County have urged the government to allocate additional resources to ensure the effective implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC).
During a Ministerial County-Based Dialogue on Education Quality and Learning Outcomes held at St. Mary’s Girls High School in Bomet Town, participants expressed concerns over various challenges impeding the success of the CBC and called for immediate interventions.
Teacher Shortage Straining CBC Implementation
Bomet County Education Director, Lenny Ngugi, highlighted a severe shortage of teachers across all educational levels as a primary obstacle in the implementation of the CBC.
He acknowledged the government’s commitment to fully rolling out the system but emphasized that the lack of adequate resources remained a significant hurdle. Unlike the 8-4-4 system, CBC requires additional activities and programs, thereby increasing demand for more teachers and facilities.
Ngugi revealed that the county faces a shortfall of 1,058 teachers in Early Childhood Development (ECD), 570 in public primary schools, 1,368 in junior secondary, and 1,633 in public secondary schools.
“Currently, Bomet County has a shortage of 1,058 teachers in Early Childhood Development (ECD), 570 in public primary schools, 1,368 in junior secondary, and 1,633 in public secondary schools,” said Ngugi.
He pointed out that this deficiency has substantially strained the transition to CBC, making it difficult to phase out the previous education system smoothly.
Infrastructure Deficiencies Hindering Transition
Another major concern raised was the inadequate infrastructure, particularly affecting the transition from junior to senior school.
Ngugi reported that 110 schools in the county lack Grade 9 classrooms, creating a significant gap in the Ministry of Education’s Transition Guidelines. He stressed that such deficiencies directly impact students’ progress and called for urgent measures to address the issue.
Insufficient Facilitation for Field Officers
The effectiveness of routine monitoring and school inspections has also been hampered by a lack of proper facilitation for field officers.
Ngugi noted that the education department only has three official vehicles to serve five sub-counties, a situation further aggravated by poor road networks in areas like Chepalungu and Bomet East.
He emphasized that inadequate transportation is a major setback in ensuring efficiency in school supervision and overall curriculum implementation.
Concerns Over Training and Curriculum Content
Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Bomet Branch Secretary, Desmond Langat, reinforced Ngugi’s concerns, stressing the need for more trained teachers and adequate learning materials. He argued that the CBC’s success heavily depends on having well-trained educators who can effectively deliver the curriculum.
“CBC implementation is at stake due to the shortage of trained teachers. The government must invest in hiring and effectively training more educators because they are the software behind successful curriculum delivery,” Langat said.
Langat also called upon the Kenya Institute for Curriculum Development (KICD) and the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) to review certain curriculum content and examination areas.
He pointed out that some topics, such as calculus and probability, are too complex for Grade 7 students. According to him, KICD should reassess the syllabus to ensure it aligns with CBC’s competency goals and is age-appropriate for learners.
Reaf Also: TSC Trains 229,292 Teachers on Competency-Based Education (CBE) System
The Ministry of Education has initiated a nationwide dialogue across all counties to engage stakeholders in discussions about the progress, achievements, and opportunities of the competency-based education system.
However, with challenges such as teacher shortages, inadequate infrastructure, and unsuitable curriculum content dominating discussions, stakeholders in Bomet County have emphasized the urgent need for government intervention to uphold education quality both in the county and nationwide.
Education stakeholders Demand More Teachers, Resources for CBC Implementation
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