English/Literature Teacher Swap Migori to Kisii; call 0707305778.
Eng/Lit Teacher Swap Vihiga to Transnzoia (Kiminini): +254 721 454642
Eng/Lit Isiolo to Laikipia: +254 711 620842
English/Lit Teacher Swap within Makueni: +254 727 006201
English Literature, from Emuhaya to Tiriki East. Contact: 0723 129 836.
English literature, from Emuhaya to Vihiga Sub County. Contact: 0723 884 009.
English/Literature Teacher Swap, from Tiriki West to Vihiga Sub County. Contact: 0708 812 005.
English literature, from Luanda to Sabatia/Vihiga. Contact: 0713 230 801.
English/Lit Teacher Swap, from Tiriki East to Sabatia. Contact: 0716 826 312.
Swop English from Nyando Subcounty to Kadibor Subcounty, +254 704 213542:
You can swap from Tharaka Nithi to anywhere in Embu (Eng/Lit), +254 724 574340.
Eng/Literature Teacher Swap Kisii Central to Nakuru or Kiambu: +254 702 054167
I’m in the Kitui Mutomo subcounty hardship area. Anyone willing to come, please, +254 713 175774:
Anybody willing to come to Kitui Mutomo subcounty English-lit hardship area: +254 713 175774
English Literature from Kiambu Gatundu to Murang’a: +254 727 549123
English/Literature Teacher Swap from Meru to Kiambu: +254 788 426355
+254 727 549123: English Literature from Kiambu Gatundu to Murang’a
From Makueni Kibwezi to Gatundu South +254 719 425664
Teacher Swops
English lit from Kitui to Muranga: +254 713 175774
Eng from Machakos town to Nrb/Thika town: +254 726 082125
From Muranga north to Muranga south. English/lit. Inbox: +254 728 516531
English/Lit from Kahuro to Gatundu, Ruiru, or Juja, +254 713 511191
from Makueni Kibwezi east, near the Nairobi-Mombasa highway (hardship zone), to either Gatundu south, Ruiru, Juja, or Thika, +254 719 425664
English/lit swap from Murang’a Kandara sub-county to Thika west or Thika and its environs +254 712 071802
English: kitui to muranga Nyeri or kirinyaga, +254 713 175774
English literature refers to Kandara sub-county to Thika town, Thika West, or Thika and its environs. +254 712 071802:
Swap! Swap! From: EMBU; To: Kiambu/Thika/Kandara/Muguga/Murang’a south and nearby environs. +254 726 081188:
English/Literature Teacher Swap from Nyeri Mathira East to Thika West or Lower Gatanga: +254 708 059619:
In Our Other News: History/CRE Teachers Swap
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