If you’re considering an inter-institutional transfer Applications, here’s a comprehensive guide to answer your questions:
1. How to Apply for Inter-Institutional Transfer?
To apply for an inter-institutional transfer, submit your applications online through the Student’s Portal (students.kuccps.net).
2. What Happens After Application?
a) The university/college you wish to transfer to receives your application online and endorses it through their institutional portal. b) Once endorsed, your application is sent to your current institution, which then releases you through its portal. c) The endorsed application proceeds to KUCCPS for approval. Upon approval, a transfer letter is generated in your portal for download.
3. After Downloading the Transfer Letter:
Present it to the institution you’re transferring to. They will issue you an admission letter and joining instructions.
4. Issue with Next Step After Typing Reason for Transfer?
Attach a document supporting your transfer reason. Also, provide a brief explanation (300 to 600 characters) in the space provided. Type in a Word document to monitor character count and paste it once the correct length is achieved.
5. Attaching a Supporting Document:
Attach a document that supports the reason you provided. For instance, a medical letter if citing medical reasons.
6. Changing Both Course and Institution:
You can change both if you meet course subject requirements and cut-off points.
7. Changing Only the Course:
You can switch courses through an inter-faculty transfer guided by the university/college’s academic registrar.
8. Transfers for Previous Year’s Candidates:
The current online transfer application is restricted to KCSE 2022 candidates who have been selected to universities and colleges.
9. Reporting to New Institution and Admission Letter:
The receiving institution issues your admission letter and other joining instructions upon approval.
10. Failure to Endorse by Receiving Institution:
If the receiving institution denies endorsement or doesn’t respond within 7 days, your application will revert to you for a fresh attempt.
11. Endorsement and Denial by Different Institutions:
Your application’s fate depends on KUCCPS for further direction or administrative action.
12. Transfer Processing Charges:
The processing fee for an inter-institutional transfer is Ksh.1,000.
13. Duration for Transfer Processing:
The process takes 14 days after your fully endorsed application is received.
14. Request Frequency:
Inter-institutional transfer is allowed only once.
15. Diploma to Degree Transfer:
You can switch to a degree course if you scored a mean grade of C+ and above, meeting specific degree program requirements.
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