Reasons for TSC Deregistering Teachers in Kenya
The honesty and expertise of educators are of the utmost importance, as they are responsible for ensuring the healthy development and advancement of students.
There are, however, conditions that may call for the deregistration of a teacher.
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) does this to maintain standards and guarantee a safe environment for their students.
The sudden death of a teacher is an example of one of these sad circumstances. When this occurs, the registration of the deceased teacher is canceled.
Obtains registration fraudulently
Instances in which a teacher obtains registration through fraudulent means constitute yet another essential component.
Upon discovery of such activities, the individual may immediately face deregistration as they erode crucial confidence and credibility in the teaching profession.
Convicted of a sexual offence or an offence against a learner
As an additional point of interest, the legal framework recognizes the seriousness of offenses committed by teachers against students or of a sexual nature.
If found guilty in such cases, TSC automatically deregisters teachers.
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Convicted of a criminal offence
In a similar vein, convictions for criminal offenses that make it difficult for an individual to be a suitable teacher are grounds for deregistration.
This guarantees that the task of shaping the minds of young people does not fall to teachers with a troubled past.
Is found unfit to teach following disciplinary proceedings
In addition, disciplinary actions may uncover situations in which a teacher is found unsuitable to successfully carry out their responsibilities.
In situations like these, deregistration becomes essential in order to preserve the standard of education and safeguard the interests of the students.
Suffers from physical or mental illness or infirmity
It is important to take into account situations in which a teacher’s physical or mental health condition renders them unable to carry out their duties.
In such situations, deregistration serves as a preventive measure, safeguarding not only the educator’s well-being but also the quality of education the pupils receive.
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In a nutshell, the process of deregistering teachers is not something that is taken lightly, but it is absolutely necessary in order to maintain the standards of education, guarantee the safety of students, and preserve the professional integrity of the teaching profession.
Reasons for TSC Deregistering Teachers in Kenya
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