Author: Hezron Rooy

Hezron Rooy is the Editor-in-Chief at Teachers Updates. A passionate educator and accomplished web developer. With a strong background in news reporting, content creation, and educational innovation, Hezron is dedicated to delivering impactful stories and resources that empower teachers and shape the future of education.

TSC Unveils Plan to Upgrade Teachers and Secure Permanent Jobs for 46,000 Interns.

TSC Unveils Plan to Upgrade Teachers and Secure Permanent Jobs for 46,000 Interns. In a pivotal move set to influence Kenya’s education sector profoundly, Teachers Service Commission (TSC) CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia unveiled a plan aimed at promoting teachers and converting 46,000 interns to permanent, pensionable terms. This announcement precedes the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams, underscoring the government’s renewed dedication to uplifting educators and enhancing the education landscape. During a visit to Mombasa, Dr. Macharia highlighted the government’s commitment by announcing a budget allocation of Ksh1 billion to fund this transformative initiative. She joined senior Ministry of…

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Primary Schools to Undergo Audits by Auditor General, KEPSHA Informed

Primary Schools to Undergo Audits by Auditor General, KEPSHA Informed. Head teachers are now required to prepare financial statements as they will be subject to audits by the Office of the Auditor General starting from the 2025/2026 Financial Year. This new measure is part of the Ministry of Education’s initiative to enhance financial accountability in schools. During a session on optimizing the use of Free Education Capitation Funding at the Kenya Primary School Heads Association (KEPSHA) conference, Ministry of Education (MoE) Chief Finance Officer Wekesa Khaoya advised school managers on avoiding audit issues. Join Teachers Updates on Facebook Khaoya emphasized…

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8 Teachers Among 10 Arrested Over KCSE Exam Malpractice

8 Teachers Among 10 Arrested Over KCSE Exam Malpractice. Ten people have been apprehended nationwide over allegations of involvement in examination malpractice as the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams are underway. Eight of these suspects, all teachers, were arrested in Homa Bay County for reportedly violating national examination rules, while two individuals were detained in Nairobi and Kilifi counties for impersonating candidates. In Homa Bay County, eight teachers from Pala Masogo Secondary School, including the school’s center manager, were detained on Monday. They were accused of photocopying a Chemistry exam paper intended for a hospitalized student. Join Teachers…

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Head Teachers Warned on Sh54 Billion JSS Funds Misuse

Head Teachers Warned on Sh54 Billion JSS Funds Misuse. Head of Public Service, Felix Koskei, emphasized the importance of accountability in the utilization of Sh54 billion allocated for primary and junior secondary schools. Koskei disclosed that Sh24 billion has been designated for primary school pupils, while Sh30 billion has been allocated to junior secondary students for this financial year. He stressed that both amounts must be managed effectively, ensuring head teachers can provide detailed accounts of the funds used. “We want Sh24 billion designated for primary schools and Sh30 billion for Junior Secondary Schools to be used efficiently so that…

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KNEC Reports Attempted Impersonation, Orders  Phones to Be Locked at KCSE Centers

KNEC Reports Attempted Impersonation, Orders  Phones to Be Locked at KCSE Centers. The Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) has implemented stringent measures aimed at guaranteeing the integrity of the ongoing national examinations. The council’s CEO, David Njengere, announced that officers supervising the exams are under clear directives to eliminate any chances of malpractice during the administration process. After overseeing the distribution of exam materials from a storage container in Murang’a East, Njengere emphasized the importance of invigilators, supervisors, and center managers adhering to the established regulations. He highlighted that these protocols are essential to preserve the credibility of the national…

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President Ruto Awards Charters to Islamic University of Kenya (IUK) & NIRU

President Ruto Awards Charters to Islamic University of Kenya (IUK) & NIRU. President William Ruto has officially granted charters to the National Intelligence Research University and the Islamic University of Kenya. This move has raised Kenya’s total number of chartered universities to 66. The ceremony took place at State House, Nairobi, where the president underscored the role of higher education in driving societal development. The National Intelligence Research University became the second specialized security-focused university after the National Defence University of Kenya (NDU-K) in Lanet, Nakuru County. Operating under Legal Notice Number 96 of 2021, it has functioned as a…

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National Intelligence and Research University (NIRU): All You Need to Know About

National Intelligence and Research University (NIRU): All You Need to Know About. On November 5, President William Ruto formally awarded a charter to the National Intelligence and Research University (NIRU) at State House, Nairobi. The new institution is now recognized as Kenya’s inaugural university owned and operated by the National Intelligence Service (NIS). Located in Nairobi, NIRU will open to students seeking advanced learning opportunities in a range of accredited courses. NIRU will be managed by a Board of Management, a Council, and a Vice-Chancellor (VC), with Doctor Christopher Chumba serving as the first VC to lead the institution’s academic…

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KNEC Declines Allowance Increase for KCSE Invigilators and Supervisors

KNEC Declines Allowance Increase for KCSE Invigilators and Supervisors. The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) announced on Tuesday that allowances for teachers contracted to supervise and mark the ongoing Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) will remain unchanged, dealing a setback to thousands who hoped for a pay raise. Citing budget limitations, KNEC Chief Executive Officer David Njengere explained that the council could not meet the teachers’ demand for higher allowances. Njengere indicated that while KNEC acknowledges the contributions of invigilators and supervisors, budget constraints hinder an allowance increase for this year. He referenced last year’s adjustment, noting that it…

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KCSE Student Dies in Examination Room in Kakamega County

KCSE Student Dies in Examination Room in Kakamega County. Ebubere Secondary School in Mumias, Kakamega County, is in mourning following the mysterious death of a 19-year-old male student, Calistus Wamboye, who passed away just before beginning his Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams. Wamboye collapsed in the examination room while preparing for his mathematics paper, scheduled to start at 8:00 am on Tuesday, November 5. The student’s family reported that Wamboye had shown no signs of illness, leaving home in high spirits alongside a sibling also sitting for the national exams. In response to his sudden demise, the family…

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Lecturers Reject Ksh4.3 Billion Proposal, Strike Continues

Lecturers Reject Ksh4.3 Billion Proposal, Strike Continues. Efforts to resolve the ongoing lecturers’ pay dispute stalled after a scheduled meeting between university lecturers and Members of Parliament, set for Tuesday, was called off. This setback has delayed any possibility of resolving the strike, which has now entered its second week, leaving academic activities in public universities paralyzed and graduation timelines disrupted. Public universities remain in limbo as the lecturers, represented by the University Academic Staff Union (UASU), have ceased their teaching duties to demand a pay raise. This ongoing industrial action has thrown academic and graduation schedules into disarray, significantly…

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