Author: Hezron Rooy

Hezron Rooy is the Editor-in-Chief at Teachers Updates. A passionate educator and accomplished web developer. With a strong background in news reporting, content creation, and educational innovation, Hezron is dedicated to delivering impactful stories and resources that empower teachers and shape the future of education.

Overview of TSC’s Recruitment Process: Role of Regional Directors

Overview of TSC’s Recruitment Process: Role of Regional Directors. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has outlined a detailed recruitment process for teachers on permanent and pensionable terms for the 2024/2025 financial year. A key component of this process is the role played by TSC Regional Directors, who are responsible for overseeing the recruitment within their respective regions. The following is an overview of the recruitment process, focusing on the Regional Directors’ responsibilities. Key Responsibilities of TSC Regional Directors Supervision and Coordination TSC Regional Directors are tasked with ensuring that the recruitment process adheres to established guidelines and procedures. This includes…

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TSC Affirms Support Systems for Teachers Facing Mental Health Challenges

TSC Affirms Support Systems for Teachers Facing Mental Health Challenges. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) CEO, Dr. Nancy Macharia, has announced that the Commission has established essential frameworks to provide support for teachers facing mental health challenges. She emphasized that mental health remains a significant issue among educators in Kenya, and the TSC has put measures in place to address this concern to ensure teachers can perform their duties effectively. “Mental health is a major problem among teachers in Kenya and as a Commission we have laid down measures to address the matter to ensure our teachers perform their duties…

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Teacher Mental Health Issues Linked to Transfer Delays, KNUT Reports

Teacher Mental Health Issues Linked to Transfer Delays, KNUT Reports. During World Teachers’ Day celebrations in Nakuru, the Ministry of Education, Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT), and other stakeholders emphasized the government’s dedication to improving teacher welfare, particularly in mental health, transfers, and professional development. KNUT raised concerns about the delay in transferring teachers, which has negatively impacted their well-being. The union’s representative highlighted that some teachers suffer from mental health issues due to delayed transfers, urging the Regional Director to prioritize teacher transfers to prevent further distress. The union encouraged school leaders to advocate for teachers’ welfare at…

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Merit List Compilation and Submission in TSC Recruitment

Merit List Compilation and Submission in TSC Recruitment. In the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) recruitment process for teachers under permanent and pensionable terms for the 2024/2025 financial year, merit list compilation and submission play a vital role in ensuring fairness and transparency. Merit List Compilation at the Sub-County Level After the verification of academic, professional, and other relevant documents, the TSC Sub-County Selection Panel is responsible for compiling a Merit List. This list includes all applicants whose documents have been verified and who meet the required qualifications. The panel is required to assess each applicant based on a standardized score…

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Oyuu Warns TSC Against Careless Disciplinary Actions on Teachers

Oyuu Warns TSC Against Careless Disciplinary Actions on Teachers. The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Secretary General, Collins Oyuu, has urged the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to cease indiscriminate interdiction of teachers. Oyuu emphasized that, like other civil servants, teachers should be treated with professionalism. Oyuu pointed out that teachers, as civil servants, deserve the same respect and professional handling as their counterparts in other sectors. He noted that the frequency of interdictions within TSC is significantly higher compared to other civil servants employed by the Public Service Commission. According to him, TSC is misusing its authority to discipline…

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The Rebirth of Garissa University After 2015 Al-Shabaab Attack

The Rebirth of Garissa University After 2015 Al-Shabaab Attack. On April 2, 2015, al-Shabaab militants launched an attack on Garissa University, taking numerous students hostage and singling out some for execution. The tragic event resulted in the deaths of 148 students, leaving 79 others seriously injured, some permanently paralyzed. The attack sent shockwaves worldwide, traumatizing the university community, as well as the friends and families of the victims. At the university, a commemorative plaque honors the victims, bearing the inscription, “This monument was constructed in memory of 148 souls massacred in cold blood. Verily, the power of education will never…

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Education's Unsung Heroes: Teachers and Their Role as Society's Cornerstone

Education’s Unsung Heroes: Teachers and Their Role as Society’s Cornerstone. Education serves as the bedrock of society, the foundation upon which the future is built. It goes beyond the basic subjects of reading, writing, and arithmetic. At its core, education nurtures curiosity, fosters critical thinking, and equips the next generation to face the challenges of tomorrow. As we celebrate World Teachers’ Day, it is essential to reflect on the pivotal role educators play in shaping the future of our country. The Unsung Heroes: Teachers Educators are often the unsung heroes in society, tirelessly working to mold young minds and inspire…

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Teachers Flock to TSC Headquarters After Technical Failures Blocks Thousands in Job Applications

Teachers Flock to TSC Headquarters After Technical Failures Blocks Thousands in Job Applications. Teachers have congregated at the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Headquarters following widespread technical failures that disrupted the application process for 46,000 advertised vacancies. Frustrated by the system’s malfunction, the applicants sought to escalate the matter after days of failed attempts to submit their applications online. Thousands of teachers applying for the TSC vacancies encountered numerous technical errors while lodging their applications. The main issue reported was the delay in receiving the one-time password (OTP), an essential requirement for completing the application. Despite the urgency imposed by the…

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CS Ogamba Pledges Incentives and Career Progression for Teachers

CS Ogamba Pledges Incentives and Career Progression for Teachers. Education Cabinet Secretary Julius Ogamba assured educators that the government remains dedicated to addressing their challenges, particularly concerning salaries and allowances. He emphasized that structures have been established to facilitate meaningful dialogue with union officials to tackle these issues. Ogamba acknowledged the efforts of the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) for suspending a planned strike, which was set to begin on August 26, and opting for dialogue. He noted that the strike would have disrupted critical examinations, such as the Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) and Kenya Certificate of…

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Oyuu Asks TSC to Prioritize Upgraded P1 Teachers in 20,000 Recruitment Drive, Highlights Ongoing CBA Negotiations

Oyuu Asks TSC to Prioritize Upgraded P1 Teachers in 20,000 Recruitment Drive, Highlights Ongoing CBA Negotiations. KNUT Secretary General Collins Oyuu welcomed the recommendations of the Presidential Working Party on Education Reforms (PWPER), which reviewed several laws affecting the education sector. Oyuu viewed this move as a clear indication that the current administration values education and educators. Oyuu emphasized that a well-remunerated teacher is also well-motivated, noting that even after teachers are trained and equipped, fair pay remains essential. He recalled that under the 2017-2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), teachers received a salary adjustment that helped cushion them against inflation.…

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