TSC Professional misconduct And Disciplinary Process for Teachers
Teachers who breach the rules of the Code of Regulations for Teachers and the TSC Code of Conduct and Ethics will face disciplinary action, which may include a warning or suspension.
Disciplinary Process
A head of institution may initially offer a verbal warning or a written warning to the teacher for minor infractions.
If the teacher persists in their wrongdoing, the institution may require them to explain why they should not face disciplinary action.
Following the teacher’s response, the head of the institution may issue a warning or present the case to TSC. The commission will proceed to:
- Investigate and gather relevant evidence.
- Invite the accused teacher to respond in writing to specific allegations.
- Call witnesses to present evidence in front of the accused teacher.
- Allow the teacher to cross-examine all witnesses.
In cases of desertion in which the teacher’s location is unknown, the agent will intervene immediately. After the preliminary hearing, the agent can make any of the following decisions:
- There is no case to answer.
- Warn the teacher administratively.
- Interdict the teacher.
- It is vital to understand that the TSC or agent may prohibit a teacher without first inviting them to a preliminary hearing.
An interdicted teacher is required to submit a defense statement and contact information within 21 days following the interdiction.
Typically, a case is heard within three months of interdiction. If there are delays, the teacher should conduct investigations.
Nature of Offences
The Commission holds the authority to take disciplinary measures against a teacher found guilty of any of the subsequent transgressions:
Immoral behavior, which encompasses:
- Sexual intercourse
- Sodomy
- Lesbianism
- Sexual harassment
Professional misconduct encompasses a variety of actions and behaviors.
- Neglect of duty
- Tardiness
- Chronic absenteeism
- Desertion
- Incitement
- Insubordination
Infamous conduct includes but is not limited to:
- Intoxication
- Engaging in physical altercations
- Actions or demeanors deemed contrary to the principles outlined in Chapter Six of the Constitution
- Forgery, also known as the presentation of forged documents
- Mismanagement, misappropriation, and embezzlement of public funds are prevalent concerns.
- Any other behavior or act incompatible with the teaching profession.
The Commission reserves the right to initiate disciplinary actions against teachers who exhibit such behaviors, as they are considered detrimental to the integrity and professionalism of the teaching profession.
Salary during interdiction
During an interdiction due to allegations of instigation, insubordination, infamous conduct, or neglect of duty, teachers will receive half of their normal salary.
Determination of a Discipline Case
Upon interdiction and submission of the requisite evidence, the teacher will have an opportunity to defend themselves in person before the Commission.
Should the teacher not show up for the hearing, the Commission will proceed with determining the case without their presence.
The Commission, based on the evidence gathered, may take the following actions:
- Revocation of the interdiction.
- Issuance of a warning to the teacher.
- Suspension of the teacher from duty.
- Dismissal of the teacher from service.
- Retirement of the teacher is in the public interest.
- Dismissal and removal from the register of teachers.
Engaging in teaching at any institution, whether public or private, during the period of interdiction, suspension, or removal from the teacher registry constitutes an offense.
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In cases where a teacher has been suspended from duty, they will receive their posting 14 days before the suspension expires.
Where there is revocation or warning, immediate posting will occur.
Teachers who do not receive communication within 28 days after a hearing should personally make inquiries at the Commission Headquarters.
TSC Professional misconduct And Disciplinary Process for Teachers
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