TSC Verification and Recruitment Process for Teacher Applicants.
The recruitment process for teachers for the 2024/2025 financial year involves a comprehensive verification and selection system established by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).
Here’s an overview of the key steps in this process:
1. Verification of Applications
- Initial Review: The TSC Sub-County Director is responsible for verifying the TSC registration status of all applicants and presenting a comprehensive list to the Selection Panel.
- In-Person Appearance: All applicants must appear in person before the Selection Panel on the specified dates for verification.
- Document Scrutiny: Original academic and professional certificates will be thoroughly examined to verify their authenticity. Photocopies of these documents will be certified by the TSC Sub-County Director before being forwarded to the TSC County Director.
- Disqualification of Fraudulent Applicants: Any applicant who presents forged or fake documents will face disqualification and deregistration from the TSC.
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2. Selection Criteria
- Marking System: Applicants will be assessed using a score sheet to allocate marks based on their qualifications and experience.
- Handling Ties: In cases where applicants have identical scores, the Selection Panel will apply the criteria outlined in Clause 1.17 of the guidelines, which includes considering the length of time since graduation and the strength of academic and professional certificates.
- Merit List Compilation: After verifying academic and professional documents, the Sub-County Selection Panel will compile a Sub-County Merit List. This list will then be submitted to the TSC County Directors, who will create a County Merit List for verification at TSC Headquarters.
3. Final Selection Process
- Panel Composition: Each Sub-County Selection Panel consists of the Sub-County Director as Chairperson, a TSC Sub-County Human Resource Officer as Secretary, and a Curriculum Support Officer as a member.
- Document Submission: The TSC Sub-County Director is required to submit the following documents to the TSC County Director:
- A list of all applicants who presented documents for verification.
- The Sub-County Merit List.
- A summary of any complaints raised during the process.
- Minutes of the Sub-County Selection Panel, signed by the Chairperson and Secretary, detailing how the final list of successful applicants was determined.
4. Post-Selection Actions
- Submission to Headquarters: The TSC County Director compiles the County Merit List and submits it to TSC Headquarters for further verification. This includes:
- Copies of the Sub-County Selection Panel minutes.
- County Merit Lists.
- Lists of selected applicants and those who did not appear for verification.
- Any additional documentation, including medical examination reports and certification letters.
5. Complaints and Appeals
- Addressing Complaints: Any applicant dissatisfied with the verification or selection process must submit a written complaint to the TSC County Director within seven days of the selection exercise. Complaints should also be sent to TSC Headquarters via email.
- Appeals Process: If an applicant is unsatisfied with the outcome of their complaint or it involves the TSC County Director, they may appeal to the Appeals Committee at TSC Headquarters, which will investigate and take appropriate action within fourteen days.
ALSO READ: JSS Teachers Meets TSC Over Confirmation: Issues Adressed
This structured verification and selection process ensures that the recruitment of primary school teachers is transparent, fair, and based on merit, aligning with the TSC’s commitment to maintaining high standards in the education sector.
TSC Verification and Recruitment Process for Teacher Applicants.
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