TSC Widows and Widowers Declaration Form: How to Complete the Form
When facing the loss of a spouse, widows and widowers often encounter various administrative tasks, one of which involves completing a declaration form to establish legal rights and entitlements.
This process can seem daunting, but with clear instructions, it becomes more manageable. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to complete the Widows and Widowers Declaration Form:
1. Personal Information (Part I):
Begin by filling out Part I of the attached form personally. Provide your full names exactly as they appear on your Identity Card, and remember to sign the form to validate the information.
2. Certification by Local Authorities (Parts II (a) and (b)):
Proceed to Parts II (a) and (b) of the form, which require certification by the Chief and Assistant County Commissioner of your Location, respectively. To authenticate your details, seek their endorsement.
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3. Attestation by Legal Authority (Part III):
Next, Part III of the form necessitates attestation by a Judge, Magistrate, or Commissioner for Oaths. This step confirms the validity of your declaration under legal scrutiny.
4. Marriage Certificate or Tribal Customary Laws (Part IV):
For those with a marriage certificate, skip Part IV. However, if married under tribal customary laws, involve a parent or close blood relative from both sides to complete Part IV (a) and (b) as declarants. Their signatures must be witnessed by a Magistrate or Commissioner for Oaths.
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5. Document Submission:
After completing the form, return it to the appropriate office with the following documents:
- Certified copy of your Identity Card by the area Chief.
- Original and copy of birth certificates for deceased children under 17 years at the time of the parent’s death, or older children in full-time education (attach a school/institution letter).
- Original and copy of the deceased’s death certificate.
- Official letter from your area Chief confirming legal dependents of the deceased and their relationships.
- Clear copy of Bank Plate or ATM for financial record purposes.
Widows and Widowers Declaration Form: How to Complete the Form
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