Author: Hezron Rooy

Hezron Rooy is the Editor-in-Chief at Teachers Updates. A passionate educator and accomplished web developer. With a strong background in news reporting, content creation, and educational innovation, Hezron is dedicated to delivering impactful stories and resources that empower teachers and shape the future of education.

TSC Recruitment: Kitui to Receive Largest Allocation of JSS Teachers

TSC Recruitment: Kitui to Receive Largest Allocation of JSS Teachers. Kitui County ranks highest in the number of Junior School (JS) teachers set to be hired by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) on Permanent and Pensionable terms. With 1,796 slots allocated, Kitui tops the list, followed by Nakuru County with 1,553 positions and Kakamega County with 1,500. On the other end, counties such as Isiolo, Lamu, and Mombasa will receive the fewest teachers, with Isiolo and Lamu getting 158 slots each, while Mombasa is allocated 261 positions. Join Teachers Updates on Facebook Breakdown of Teacher Recruitment The TSC has announced…

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TSC Online Portal Crash Frustrates Thousands of Teachers Applying for 46,000 Posts

TSC Online Portal Crash Frustrates Thousands of Teachers Applying for 46,000 Posts. Thousands of teachers looking to apply for advertised permanent positions with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) were left frustrated after the commission’s online application portal crashed. In a tweet, the TSC announced that it was hiring and directed potential candidates to apply using a link However, attempts to access the application portal have been met with an “Error 500 Internal Server Error,” preventing teachers from submitting their applications. The breakdown of the system has sparked widespread dissatisfaction, with many applicants expressing frustration over social media. Teachers, who…

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TSC Recruitment Portal: Online Application Link (PNP)

TSC Recruitment Portal: Online Application Link (PNP). The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has streamlined the application process for the recently advertised teaching positions. Applicants can now conveniently apply online by visiting the TSC portal at Application Portal Access Upon accessing the TSC online application platform, you will be presented with a window where you must accurately input your details to proceed with your application. Join Teachers Updates on Facebook Recruitment for Permanent and Pensionable Positions TSC is seeking to fill 46,000 teaching vacancies on Permanent and Pensionable terms of service. The available positions are distributed as follows: Eligibility Criteria…

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TSC Recruitment: Must Have Documents for Primary School Teachers

TSC Recruitment: Must Have Documents for Primary School Teachers. During the application process, each candidate will receive a unique serial number to track their application. Applicants must provide both original documents and clear photocopies of specific certifications. The required documents include: Join Teachers Updates on Facebook Authentication of Academic and Professional Documents The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will verify the authenticity of academic and professional documents through a stringent process: Submission of Documents to TSC Headquarters After the county-level selection process, the TSC County Director is responsible for submitting a comprehensive set of documents to the TSC Headquarters. These include:…

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TSC Job Reapplications Shatters Expectations of Permanent Employment for 46,000 Intern Teachers

TSC Job Reapplications Shatters Expectations of Permanent Employment for 46,000 Intern Teachers. Hopes for automatic confirmation for 46,000 intern teachers were dashed when the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) advertised vacancies for the very positions these teachers hold. This forced them to reapply for their jobs despite expectations of direct absorption into permanent roles. The TSC’s notice opened applications for 6,000 primary school positions, 39,550 junior secondary, and 450 senior secondary school vacancies, causing surprise among the contract teachers, some of whom have been working since early 2023 under the assumption of guaranteed employment. Teachers have been given until October 7,…

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TSC: Distribution of 450 Secondary School Teaching Positions in September 2024.

TSC: Distribution of 450 Secondary School Teaching Positions in September 2024. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has announced the distribution of 450 Permanent and Pensionable teaching positions for secondary schools across Kenya, to be filled in September 2024. This recruitment drive is part of TSC’s ongoing efforts to enhance the quality of education by ensuring schools have qualified and permanent teaching staff. The vacancies are open to eligible candidates who meet the specified qualifications, with the application process conducted entirely online. This initiative is expected to address the staffing needs in secondary schools, contributing to improved learning outcomes. TSC: Distribution…

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TSC Recruitment: Distribution of 6,000 Primary School Teacher Jobs

TSC Recruitment: Distribution of 6,000 Primary School Teacher Jobs The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has announced the allocation of 6,000 teaching positions in primary schools across Kenya, set to be filled in September 2024. This recruitment drive aims to address the staffing gaps in primary education by providing qualified teachers with permanent and pensionable terms of service. Eligible candidates are encouraged to apply for these positions, which are part of the broader effort to strengthen the country’s education system. The application process is fully online, and applicants must meet specific qualifications to be considered for these roles. TSC Recruitment: Distribution…

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TSC Teachers Recruitment: Distribution of Posts in Junior Secondary School (39550)

TSC Teachers Recruitment: Distribution of Posts in Junior Secondary School (39550). DISTRIBUTION OF POSTS IN JUNIOR SCHOOL (39,550) SEPTEMBER 2024 S/NOCOUNTYALLOCATIONTOTAL1Baringo 1,070 Baringo Central206 Baringo North230 Koibatek167 Marigat171 Mogotio169 Tiaty East61 Tiaty West66 2Bomet 1,133 Bomet Central173 Bomet East187 Chepalungu289 Konoin220 Sotik264 3Bungoma 1,305 Bumula151 Bungoma Central107 Bungoma East90 Bungoma North121 Bungoma South176 Bungoma West114 Cheptais70 Kimilili Bungoma97 Kimaeti30 Kopsiro63 Mt. Elgon93 Tongaren97 Webuye West96 4Busia 726 Bunyala52 Busia83 Butula130 Nambale86 Samia98 Teso Central68 Teso North132 Teso South77 5Elgeyo Marakwet 717 Keiyo North136 Keiyo South211 Marakwet East168 Marakwet West202 6Embu 702 Embu East144 Embu North74 Embu West85 Mbeere North166 TSC Teachers Recruitment: Distribution of Posts in Junior Secondary School (39550). ALSO READ: TSC Announces Recruitment of 46,000 Teachers on Permanent and Pensionable Terms: How to Apply TSC Teachers Recruitment: Distribution of Posts in Junior Secondary School (39550). Mbeere South138 Mwea95 7Garissa 293 Balambala42 Benane8 Bothai2 Bura East24 Dadaab34 Fafi14 Garissa66 Hulugho10 Ijara30 Lagdera30 Liboi10 Sankuri17 Shantabaq6 8Homa Bay 1,075 Homa Bay88 Mbita111 Ndhiwa184 Rachuonyo North181 Rachuonyo South115 Rangwe123 Ranyuonyo East127 Suba112 Suba West34 9Isiolo 158 Garbatulla47 Isiolo68 Merti22 Oldonyiro9 Cherab6 Sericho6 10Kajiado 766 Isinya60 Kajiado Central65 Kajiado North60 Kajiado West117 Loitokitok172 Mashuuru126 ENGATA WAUS45 Oloililai121 11Kakamega 1,500 Butere122 Kakamega Central109 Kakamega East166 Kakamega North…

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TSC Announces Recruitment of 450 Secondary School Teachers on Permanent and Pensionable Terms

TSC Announces Recruitment of 450 Secondary School Teachers on Permanent and Pensionable Terms. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) of Kenya has announced the recruitment of 450 secondary school teachers on Permanent and Pensionable terms. This initiative is aimed at addressing the teaching staff shortage in various learning institutions across the country. The commission invites applications from qualified candidates interested in these teaching roles. Eligibility Criteria To be considered for recruitment, applicants must fulfill the following requirements: Join Teachers Updates on Facebook Application Process Qualified and interested candidates are required to apply online by visiting the Teachers Service Commission’s website at…

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Teaching Qualifications for Education Diplomas and Degree Holders in Kenya

Teaching Qualifications for Education Diploma and Degree Holders in Kenya Teaching is one of the most prominent professions in Kenya, with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) estimating that the country has over 300,000 teachers. The Kenyan Constitution established the Teachers Service Commission of Kenya as an independent commission to oversee human resources in the education sector. In Kenya, teachers are categorized into three groups, Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE), Primary Education Teaching, and Diploma and Degree in education. Each group of these teachers has a unique set of responsibilities and required qualifications. This article, however, focuses on secondary school…

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