KNEC 2024 KCSE Timetable and Instructions
All first-session examination papers must begin at 8 a.m., and second-session test papers must begin at 2 p.m., as specified in the timetable.
Each paper has a time limit, which is explicitly noted alongside the paper’s name. No extra time will be allowed.
In the event of any disputes, the time specified on the question paper shall be regarded as correct. The time allotted for reading through questions is included in the time provided on the question paper unless specifically stipulated by special paper instructions.
Schools are expected to upload marks for subjects with a project component by March 31, 2024, for Milestone 1 and July 31, 2024, for Milestone 2, if applicable.
KNEC 2024 KCSE Timetable and Instructions
Instructions and Guidelines for Teachers and Candidates
Teachers should ensure candidates read and follow the directions and recommendations provided below. It is critical to make candidates aware of the consequences of examination irregularities or misconduct.
Candidates should arrive at the exam room 15 minutes before the allocated time for each paper. The first session will begin at 8:00 a.m., followed by the second session at 2:00 p.m., according to the schedule.
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In circumstances where candidates are more than half an hour late, they must give the supervisor sufficient cause for receiving a paper. Candidates must submit all papers on time.
When candidates receive the question paper, they must confirm that it matches the one they enrolled in. If the paper says that a map or other materials are required and they are not provided, candidates should notify the supervisor immediately.
Following any general instructions provided on the paper’s opening page, such as the number of questions to answer, is crucial.
Candidates are responsible for making sure that every page of their question paper is printed and that their name and index number are spelled out clearly on the question paper or answer script. In addition, they must sign and date the examination response booklet.
Write your answers on both sides of the page, making sure to avoid the margins. Each section of a question should begin on a new line, with the question number clearly printed in the left margin at the start of each answer. Candidates are urged not to copy the questions and to use the same numbering scheme as on the question paper, with a blank line following each response.
You must write your responses in black or blue ink, using fountain or ballpoint pens, but not erasable pens. Only diagrams may use pencils, and subjects requiring them must provide mathematical and drawing equipment.
Candidates should carefully study each question to prevent spending time on useless information that will result in no marks.
Avoid devoting too much time to certain questions, and make sure there is enough time to answer others.
When given notice to stop, candidates must ensure that their name, index number, signature, and examination date are inscribed on the answer booklet before handing it over to the supervisor or invigilator.
The 2024 KCSE Examination Timetable, Instructions, and Guidelines explain various important regulations that candidates must follow during the exam period.
You are not permitted to leave the examination room before the end of the time allotted to the paper, unless the supervisor grants special permission. A candidate who receives permission to leave cannot remove a question paper or answer booklet from the examination room.
Do not leave your written answers or sheet of paper in a position where another candidate can read them. Candidates should avoid providing or receiving unfair assistance or attempting to do so, whether through copying or any other methods, and their work should not contain evidence of such unfair assistance.
There is an absolute ban on communication between candidates or with outsiders during the exam.
Candidates are not permitted to have any books, notes, papers, or other materials in their possession or proximity while in the examination room, with the exception of accurate question papers and materials expressly authorised by KNEC.
The use of mathematical tables prepared by the Kenya National Examinations Council is authorised, as long as they do not include any remarks beyond the provided material. Calculators, if used as permitted by the Regulations, should be of the specified nonprogrammable kind. Candidates may use calculators in the subjects listed below.
Any question paper that contains smudges, mistakes, or is poorly printed must be returned to the supervisor right away.

The test room prohibits candidates from removing any used or unused paper. Rough work on the official answer booklet should be finished and, if not submitted with the answers, left on the desk for the supervisor to collect and then destroy.
Any misconduct or disturbance in or near the examination room will be considered an examination irregularity.
All candidates must be present during confinement. Failure to present oneself for imprisonment is considered an examination irregularity.
Cell phones and other electronic communication devices are strictly prohibited at examination centres. Possession of such gadgets will lead to the cancellation of a candidate’s results.
Any suspected cases of examination malpractice should be reported to KNEC via the principal, teachers, or any other available method.
Guidelines for Centre Managers, Supervisors, and Invigilators.
Centre managers must guarantee that the supervisors and invigilators assigned to their centres have not worked in the same location for three years in a row.
Each supervisor is in charge of two hundred candidates, with a maximum of 20 candidates per examination room requiring an invigilator. Furthermore, each examination centre should have at least two security officers, with the option of adding another officer if the number of candidates surpasses 250.
During optional papers, assign candidates to one or more examination rooms and adjust their desks accordingly. Only the necessary number of invigilators should be present, with rotations handled by the supervisor. According to KNEC regulations, unauthorised persons are strictly barred from accessing the test centre during exams.
Supervisors and invigilators are entrusted with providing candidates with personalised question papers that include their names, random numbers, and other specified attributes. Supervisors verify script counts to ensure accuracy, and candidates must sign their response scripts before submitting them, ensuring they only take the subjects for which they have registered.
You must not stamp or include any school information on KCSE seating plans and script control forms. Centre managers and supervisors must use the correct return envelope and cover page and ensure that scripts are evenly distributed and not overloaded.
Penalty for examination irregularities
The KNEC Act No. 29 of 2012 establishes sanctions for exam irregularities. Candidates found guilty of such offences will have their whole subject scores annulled, resulting in an overall grade of “Y.” Any examination centre that has widespread irregularities will have all of its results cancelled.
Individuals who are caught accessing and disclosing examination materials to unauthorised persons, damaging examination materials, or attempting to impersonate registered candidates shall face harsh consequences, including imprisonment and large fines.
Candidates are strongly cautioned not to engage in any sort of examination irregularity in order to avoid negative consequences such as result cancellation.
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KNEC KCSE Timetable and Instructions
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