Over 2,060 Teachers in Public Primary Schools Posses PhD and Master’s Degrees
In the year ending December 2023, the number of PhD and Master’s holders working in public primary schools increased sharply.
According to the latest data by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), as of December 2023, 2,060 PhD and Master’s holders were working as public primary school teachers.
Out of these, 889 were men, while 1,171 were women. In 2022, this number stood at 2,047, while in 2021, the number of Master’s and Doctorate degree holders teaching in public primary schools was 1,987.
The Economic Survey 2024 report by KNBS noted a 0.8 percent decrease in the total number of public primary teachers, from 221,510 in 2022 to 219,727 in 2023.
This decline is partly attributed to factors such as retirement, disciplinary action, study leave, and natural attrition.
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Among these teachers, those holding certificates decreased by 2.8 percent to 148,525 and accounted for the highest number of primary school teachers at 67.6 percent in 2023.
The number of female teachers decreased slightly by 0.3 percent to 118,780, while the number of the number of male teachers decreased by 1.3 percent to 100,947 in 2023.
During the review period, the number of teachers with master’s and doctorate degrees, bachelor’s degrees, and diplomas increased by 0.6, 3.3, and 4.1 percent to 2,060, 28,226, and 40,916, respectively.
The data contained in the Economic Survey 2024 report further showed that a total of 6,224 PhD and Master’s holders are currently teaching in public secondary schools. Out of these, 3,343 are men and 2,881 are women.
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In 2022, the number of Master’s and Doctorate degree holders teaching at the secondary level stood at 5,822.
Over 2,060 Teachers in Public Primary Schools Posses PhD and Master’s Degrees
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