TSC Outlines Requirements for Deploying 1,206 Primary School Teachers to JSS
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has issued guidelines and modalities for deploying 1,206 primary school teachers to junior school, outlining qualifications and new grades.
In an internal memo addressed to all TSC regional, county, and sub-county directors dated May 23, 2024, and signed by the acting Director of Staffing, Antonina Lentoijoni, it was stated that the primary school teachers will need to have qualifications to teach in secondary school.
Primary school teachers at Grade B5 and C1 who hold a Bachelor’s degree will be issued appointment letters to Grade C2, while those at Grade B5 with a Diploma in education will be issued appointment letters to Grade C1.
Teachers in Grade C2 who hold a bachelor’s degree and were promoted on or before March 26, 2021, will also receive appointment letters to Grade C2.
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Additionally, those in Grade C1 with a Diploma Certificate who have not completed three or more years, those in Grade C2 with a Diploma Certificate, and those in Grade C3 and above with a Bachelor’s degree will receive deployment letters.
During the deployment exercise, TSC field officers have been instructed to consider the proximity to the teacher’s current station and subject combination.
They will avoid deploying teachers with similar subject combinations as those already posted to JS and will also consider gender balance.
Teachers with Special Needs Education (SNE) qualifications will be deployed to Special JS.
The memo emphasized that the teachers must have an active registration with the TSC, be employed as primary school teachers by the commission, not be under interdiction or undergoing disciplinary processes, and have a minimum of a Diploma in Education with at least a C+ in KCSE and C+ in two teaching subjects.
This applies to both the 8-4-4 and Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) systems, or those with two principal passes and one subsidiary pass at the “A” level.
Those with a minimum of C (plain) at KCSE who have undertaken a Diploma in Education along with a Bachelor’s Degree in Education also qualify for deployment. However, teachers with a Bachelor of Education (Primary Option) do not qualify.
Further, teachers who wish to be deployed must have expressed their interest and their names must appear on the list shared from the headquarters.
The deployment letters will be signed by the TSC Sub-County Directors for teachers within the sub-county. Teachers deployed outside the sub-county will have their letters signed by the County Director and Regional Director, in the case of Nairobi.
During vetting, teachers are instructed to submit their original and copies of their degree or diploma certificates, academic transcripts, SNE qualifications where applicable, KCSE certificate, current pay slips, and a declaration by the head of an institution that they are currently serving in the school and are neither under interdiction nor undergoing a disciplinary process.
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Once teachers are deployed to JS, the County Director will initiate posting on the Posting, Entry/Exit Reports Module to the sub-county.
Subsequently, the Sub-County Director (SCD) will post the teacher to JSS.
The head of the institution releasing the teachers is instructed to immediately exit them through the submission of Exit Reports, enabling the receiving heads to submit the Entry Report.
TSC Outlines Requirements for Deploying 1,206 Primary School Teachers to JSS
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