TSC Teacher Lesson Attendance Register (TLAR)
The Teacher Lesson Attendance Register (TLAR) is a crucial tool in educational institutions for monitoring and managing teacher attendance.
It is a structured document that records daily lesson attendance for teachers, including details such as lesson schedule, teacher names, time in and out, assignment status, and reasons for absence.
The TPAD Lesson Register (TLAR) is typically completed by the class secretary or monitor in collaboration with teachers, and is submitted to the Deputy Head of Institution for weekly analysis.
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Lesson Attendance Register (TLAR) plays a pivotal role in ensuring accountability and transparency in teacher attendance tracking, enabling educational institutions to effectively monitor teacher presence, identify absenteeism patterns, and take proactive measures to address issues.
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Download TPAD Teacher Lesson Attendance Register (TLAR)
Components of TLAR:
The TLAR consists of two main sections:
Lesson Schedule:
This section outlines the daily lesson schedule, including Monday through Friday, with designated spaces for recording lesson details such as teacher names, time in and out, and assignment status.
Teacher Attendance Log:
This log records teachers’ attendance, indicating their presence or absence and providing explanations for any absences.
The TLAR is typically completed by the class secretary or monitor, in collaboration with teachers.
It requires accurate documentation of teacher attendance and adherence to the provided lesson schedule.
The Deputy Head of Institution receives the TLAR for analysis at the end of each week.
The deputy head assesses the overall teacher attendance, including the total number of teachers absent, lessons taught, and lessons not taught.
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Key Points to Note:
- The teachers should fill out the TLAR with their knowledge and turn it in to the Deputy Head of the Institution for analysis.
- The Deputy Head of the Institution verifies the TLAR, which the class teacher fills out for lower primary classes.
- The Deputy Head of the Institution submits the teacher attendance analysis weekly, typically on Mondays.
- Following analysis and necessary actions, the Head of the Institution files all TLAR forms for future reference.

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