TSC Advertises 6,000 PNP Teaching Positions for Primary Schools: How to Apply. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is seeking to fill 6,000 vacancies in Primary Schools across Kenya. Candidates applying for these positions must hold at least a P1 certificate to qualify. This is part of the larger recruitment drive by the TSC to hire teachers on Permanent and Pensionable terms, aimed at addressing staffing needs in schools nationwide. Applicants for the Primary School positions are required to submit their applications online through the official TSC website before the deadline, set for 7th October 2024. Application Procedure All interested candidates…
Author: Hezron Rooy
Retirement age for teachers and Lecturers in Kenya What is the retirement age for Kenyan teachers? A basic question, but one that many teachers approaching retirement age think about. Given that life expectancy has drastically decreased and early retirement for teachers has become the norm, this is a question that keeps them awake at night whenever they consider the balance of their pension plans. After years of focusing on their careers, most teachers look forward to the day when they can retire and have time to pursue all of the things they never had time for. In order to subsist…
TSC Announces Recruitment of 46,000 Teachers on Permanent and Pensionable Terms: How to Apply. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) of Kenya has announced the recruitment of 46,000 qualified teachers to fill vacant positions on Permanent and Pensionable terms. The positions available are distributed as follows: Eligibility Criteria To be eligible for the recruitment process, applicants must meet the following minimum requirements: Application Procedure Interested and qualified applicants should submit their applications online through the TSC’s official websites (www.tsc.go.ke under ‘Careers’ or teachersonline.tsc.go.ke). The application deadline is set for midnight, 7th October 2024. For detailed information on the number of vacancies…
Teacher Salaries Across America: NEA’s Latest Report Educators have long advocated for higher salaries, and while some progress has been made in certain parts of the country over the past year, a recent report suggests it’s not enough to keep pace with inflation. The National Education Association (NEA), the largest teachers’ union in the U.S., released its latest data on teacher salaries on Tuesday. According to the NEA, teachers in the U.S. are earning an average of $69,544. At the upper end, teachers in some states are earning nearly six figures, while at the lower end, teachers make around $50,000.…
TSC Mass Recruitment: 39,550 JSS Teacher Vacancies Up for Grabs. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) of Kenya has announced the recruitment of 39,550 teachers specifically for Junior Secondary Schools. This recruitment is part of a broader effort by the government to address the staffing needs in the education sector as the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) takes shape. The recruitment process is targeting teachers with a diploma in education, specifically qualified to handle the curriculum for Junior Secondary Schools. Join Teachers Updates on Facebook This move is aimed at improving the quality of education and ensuring that students transitioning from primary to…
Ministry of Education Replaces DPTE and DECTE With New DTE Program. The Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) and primary school teaching programs have been consolidated into a unified curriculum called the Diploma in Teacher Education (DTE). This new program replaces the previous Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE) and Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE), creating a single three-year course. Entry qualification for DTE remains a minimum grade of C (plain) in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE). Program Implementation and Employment Starting in September of this year, Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs) will begin admitting students into the…
School Principals to Face Parliamentary Committee Over Audit Queries. School principals nationwide are set to appear before Members of Parliament to address audit queries following the presentation of audit reports by the Office of the Auditor-General (OAG), headed by Auditor-General Nancy Gathungu. The head of institutions will be questioned by the Public Investments Committee on Governance and Education, chaired by Bumula MP Jack Wamboka. According to Wamboka, the committee plans to summon principals of national schools first, followed by those from extra-county and county schools. Wamboka emphasized that the Auditor-General had been tasked with presenting the audit reports of all…
Endarasha Hillside School Set to Reopen After Tragic Fire. Endarasha Hillside Academy is set to resume operations on Monday, October 7th, weeks after a devastating fire claimed the lives of 21 students. The Ministry of Education is leading the reopening process, with strict guidelines in place for the school, particularly for its boarding facilities. A significant part of these changes includes a complete makeover of the school, including a shift in its trademark colors, as well as structural adjustments like the removal of wooden beds from the girls’ dormitory and relocation of the kitchen. Efforts to restore the school are…
THE MUSINGU SCHOOL GURU WHO FLAVORS KISWAHILI CONCEPTS MUSICALLY. Do you remember some concepts in high school that could dare crack your head while trying to study? Did some choose to doze off? This is not the case with Mwalimu Malata Benson, the Kiswahili teacher at Musingu School in Kakamega County. The teacher of Kiswahili develops musical lyrics that transform learning into fun form. The Kiswahili teacher who is also a writer and publisher of Kiswahili books has earned recognition in the country among teachers of Kiswahili who appreciates his innovative approach in teaching some challenges concepts. Students are left…
TVET Skills Gap Exposed as Kenya Underperforms at WorldSkills Competition in France. Kenya’s debut in the 47th WorldSkills competition held in Lyon, France, highlighted a significant skills gap between local Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programs and those in developed countries. Despite competing, none of the Kenyan participants secured a medal, reflecting the need for further development in the country’s vocational education sector. Coinciding with the Paris Olympics, where Kenyan athletes had mixed results, the WorldSkills competition revealed the limitations in Kenya’s technical training. The competition served as a critique of Kenya’s transition to the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC),…