TSC Promotion Letter: Teacher Promotion Guidelines and Process
In pursuit of advancement within the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), every teacher aspires for promotion, which promises augmented allowances, salaries, and additional responsibilities.
Following promotion, teachers receive a letter delineating their new job grade, salary scale, and allowances.
The Career Progression Guidelines (CPG), initiated by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) in 2017, delineate the academic and professional benchmarks for teacher career progression.
These guidelines establish a direct relationship between a teacher’s career advancement, performance, and professional conduct.
Under these Career Guidelines, teacher promotion is contingent upon several criteria:
i. The presence of funded vacancies within the approved establishment;
ii. Attainment of minimum qualifications for each grade;
iii. Pursuit of relevant Teacher Professional Development (TPD) modules;
iv. Accumulation of relevant experience; and
v. Maintenance of satisfactory performance.
Promotion of teachers can occur through three distinct avenues: common cadre establishment, Teacher Proficiency Course (TPC), and competitive selection.
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1. Common cadre establishment
For common cadre establishment promotion, teachers in Job Groups J (C1), K (C2), and L (C3) can transition between job groups without a competitive selection process, provided they meet minimum qualifications. This includes a satisfactory performance record over three years, along with a valid teaching certificate.
To apply for common cadre promotion, teachers simply need to complete the TSC promotion form.
2. The Teacher Proficiency Course (TPC)
When considering the promotion of a teacher within the common cadre establishment, TSC takes into account certain minimum conditions.
These conditions include the duration of service in a particular grade (typically three years), the validity of the teacher’s teaching certificate, and the performance of duty.

One pathway for TSC promotion, formerly in place, involved the Teacher Proficiency Course (TPC). The design of this route targeted non-graduate teachers in Job Groups G (B5) and H (C1). However, it has now become obsolete.
3. Competitive selection
Competitive selection is another method of advancement. This process applies to the promotion of teachers to Job Groups M (C4), N (C5), P (D1), Q (D2), and R (D3). The Commission periodically advertises vacancies for these positions, subject to the availability of funds. Eligible applicants are required to apply through the TSC online portal.
Initially, the TSC headquarters conducts the shortlisting of applicants. The TSC headquarters then transmits the names of shortlisted candidates for Job Groups M and N, along with the relevant guidelines, to County Directors and Regional Coordinators. These officials oversee the interviews at the county and regional levels, respectively.
According to the most recent TSC guidelines, the Regional Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the appointment and deployment of all primary school institutional administrators as well as institutional administrators for county, sub-county, and day (secondary) schools.
TSC Promotion Criteria and Procedures
The Teaching Service Commission (TSC) adheres to certain criteria and procedures in the teacher promotion process. Both regional and county selection bodies play integral roles in this process.
Regional and County Selection Panels
The regional director chairs the regional selection panel, which includes key personnel such as the host county director as secretary, the host county Human Resource Officer, and all other county directors from the region. Similarly, the county director chairs the county selection committee, which includes the host sub-county director as secretary, the county Human Resource Officer, and all other sub-county directors from the county.
Considerations for Promotion
However, there are instances where the TSC may opt not to consider a teacher for promotion. This could occur if the teacher has not fulfilled specific requirements:
- Two years must have elapsed from the date of a guilty verdict following a disciplinary action.
- One year must have passed since the issuance of an administrative warning.
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These stipulations are crucial factors that the TSC evaluates when deciding on promotions. Teachers need to be aware of these conditions to ensure eligibility for consideration.
Understanding the criteria and procedures for TSC promotions is essential for teachers aiming for career advancement. Share this valuable information with your peers to ensure everyone is well-informed about TSC promotion protocols.
TSC Promotion Letter: Teacher Promotion Guidelines and Process
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